Make a donation
Your gift will enable us to respond quickly and effectively when the next disaster strikes.
Become a monthly donor
Regular donations support emergency relief work for disasters that don’t make the news.

Start a fundraiser
Get involved. Invite your friends. Engage your employees. Make change happen.
Donate Securities
A donation of securities or mutual funds allows you to give more and get more.
Leave a legacy
What does your will say about you? Leave a gift that will impact generations to come.
Use your influence
Let’s talk about how you can mobilize your network to save lives when a disaster strikes.
Become a corporate partner
Businesses like yours play an important role in encouraging Canadians to care and to give.
Get in touch
We’d love to hear from you.
Phone: 1-855-461-2154
Address: 39 McArthur Ave, Ottawa, ON, K1L 8L7, Canada.