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Floods in CHAF in front of the Oxfam chad office

Floods in Chad

August 2024

People Helped


Humanitarian Needs

Every year, during rainy season, Chad is confronted with flooding due to heavy rains. 2024 was no exception. Torrential rains have caused flooding across 23 provinces in Chad, affecting more than 250,000 people and destroying homes, crops and livestock. Floods have driven mass displacement, and resulted in urgent need for food, household items, water, hygiene and sanitation services (WASH), and protection services. 

Humanitarian Response

Oxfam-Québec, through the Humanitarian Coalition, will construct emergency latrines in relocation sites and in areas where the existing ones have been flooded. Oxfam will also distribute hygiene kits and other non-food items, providing cash assistance for people who are most vulnerable, and increasing awareness on protection services and referrals, including for gender-based violence.  

Oxfam's activities will target the Provinces of Lac (West), Bahr El Gazal, and N'Djamena for four months in order to address food security, WASH, and protection concerns in Chad. 

In Partnership with Canada

Our response to small and medium-scale disasters is co-funded by Global Affairs Canada, the member agency delivering the assistance, and donations to the Humanitarian Coalition. Your gift will help us be ready for the next disaster. Donate today.