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Oxfam Mexico staff delivering assistance

Oxfam’s Response to Hurricane Otis

One year ago (in October 2023), Hurricane Otis, the most powerful storm to ever strike the Mexican Pacific coast, devastated communities across Mexico. Over a million people were affected, and thousands lost their homes.

With the support of the Government of Canada through the Humanitarian Coalition, our member Oxfam Canada was able to respond quickly and effectively to the needs of the affected communities.

In total, Oxfam Mexico staff and their local partners provided emergency assistance to more than 11,203 individuals in Acapulco and Coyuca de Benitez, in 26 of the most vulnerable communities impacted by Hurricane Otis. 

Oxfam was able to:

  • Install safe-drinking water stations: Oxfam provided safe drinking water to 971 households (3,782 people) in 9 underserved communities by installing 10 communal safe-drinking water stations with purification systems.
  • Provide 2,300 households with essential sanitation services and hygiene kits. In total, 9,185 people received emergency hygiene kits containing the following: a water storage container, water collection container, soap and laundry soap, towel, sanitary pads, baby diapers, toothbrushes and toothpaste, shampoo, torch, whistle, toilet paper, mosquito repellent, and mosquito nets.
  • Establish a women-led water station committee, empowering women to lead recovery efforts: 1,727 people received direct training on hygiene practices and overall awareness in emergency contexts.